NORVI as a Data Logger with Web-access
Other than real-time acquisition and pushing to an IoT platform, Data loggers are one method of keeping track of values and analyzing. There are several types of data loggers used in the industrial world.
They are
1) USB loggers which are used for Short-term trend logging with manual offload,
2) Bluetooth (BLE) Loggers with Wireless data access via mobile devices,
3) Web-based Systems with Long-range wireless internet access,
4) Wireless Sensors with Short-range centralized data collection
With the ESP32 based NORVI IIOT, you can build any of those solutions, simply and reliability, keeping the costs lower compared to other data-loggers. NORVI IIOT ESP32 Data-logger with Web-access.
NORVI IIoT offers almost all the acquisition types you need to build the Real-time data logger with web access.
1) Digital Inputs – As counters or ON-OFF status detection
2) 0 – 10V Voltage Analog Inputs
3) 4 – 20 mA Current Analog Inputs
4) Temperature Inputs
5) Load cell Inputs
6) RS-485 communication interface
7) I2C communication interface
With the above input types supported by NORVI IIOT, you have access to the real-word parameters. Next part is storing them with time stamp.
Making NORVI IIOT AE04 range an ideal solution data-logger with Web access. It has DS3231 Real Time Clock (RTC) to keep track of time and micro-SD card support providing storage facility for the data.
You can store data in the microSD card in CSV format or in a database with SQLite .
ESP32 Arduino SQLite3 library https://github.com/siara-cc/esp32_arduino_sqlite3_lib
ESP32 based NORVI IIOT enables the ability to implement wireless access for the logged data and real-time data. Combining few libraries of ESP32 Arduino you can access or view the data over WiFi .
There are several examples for ESP32 to work as a datalogger and Web-interface for real-time data.
NORVI IIOT Product Details https://norvi.lk/industrial-esp32-norvi-iiot/
NORVI IIOT Product Datasheet https://norvi.lk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/NORVI-IIOT-Datasheet-V5-CE-.pdf