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Node-Red on RPI HMI Introduction: Controlling Transistor Outputs

Example of Node-Red on RPI HMI applications. NORVI has a set of node-red nodes that makes programming easy.

Here is an example of using the Raspberry PI HMI Transistor Outputs ON and OFF node for Node-RED. This node facilitates the control of NORVI-RPI-HMI outputs. Check out How Node-Red on RPI HMI works.

The Raspberry HMI supports Node-Red programs.I

HMI-Q1 Node

The HMI-Q1 node serves as a digital output node. It accepts a “msg. payload” with either a 0 or 1, setting the selected physical pin high or low based on the passed value. 

Inputs: payload number | string | Boolean
When sending a message to the Node-RED HMI-Q1 node, use any of these inputs to control the output. For example, sending Boolean true turns the output on, and sending Boolean false turns it off. Similarly, sending either the number 1 or the string “ON” can turn the output on, depending on how the flow is configured.

Output = Desired output can be selected in node configuration.

Example of Node-Red on RPI HMI

Let’s create a simple example program using the RPI-HMI-OUT node. When a button is pressed, it contains true and false values, representing a trigger. Display the program on the Node-RED dashboard by adding a switch node (Q7 ON & Q7 OFF) as a dashboard node.

To display the program in the Node-RED dashboard add a button node (Toggle Switch7) to it as a dashboard node.

After setting the configuration of the program, the user interface of the RPI HMI should be as below.

  • ON state – When the output is in the ON state, it means the output is activated, and the LED associated with it is illuminated.
  • OFF state – When the output is in the OFF state, it means the output is deactivated, and the LED associated with it is turned off.

This schematic shows the connection between the RPI-HMI output and the LED. The RPI-HMI output is connected to the GND end of the LED, while the other end of the LED is connected to a resistor, and then to the power in(24+).

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Adding Touchscreen Functionality to ESP32-S3 HMI to enhance User Experience

Adding Touchscreen Functionality to ESP32-S3 HMI
Adding Touchscreen Functionality to ESP32-S3 HMI

ESP32 NORVI HMI is a powerful HMI resistive touch screen with an 800*480 resolution LCD display. It uses the ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N4R8 module as the main control processor, with a dual-core 32-bit microprocessor, integrated WiFi and Bluetooth wireless functions, a main frequency of up to 240MHz, providing powerful performance and versatile applications, suitable for IoT application devices and other scenes.

The module includes a 5.0-inch LCD display and a driver board. The display screen uses resistive touch technology. It supports a development environment such as Arduino IDE and is compatible with the LVGL graphics library. This enables developers to customize their UI interfaces and create interesting projects quickly and easily, greatly shortening the development cycle.

A 5-inch resistive touch display is a touchscreen technology with a layered structure, comprising a flexible top layer and a rigid bottom layer separated by insulating dots. When pressure is applied, these layers make contact at specific points, and touch input is detected by measuring changes in voltage. Some common features of the touch panel are,

  • Accuracy and Pressure Sensitivity: Resistive touchscreens provide accurate touch input by detecting the precise point of contact.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: Resistive touch panels are cost-effective to produce, making them a popular choice for budget-friendly displays.
  • Versatility and Compatibility: Compatible with various input methods, resistive touchscreens can be operated with any object that applies pressure.
  • Calibration Requirements: Periodic calibration may be necessary to maintain accurate touch response.

To add the touch functionality to an ESP32-S3 HMI, it will need to use a combination of the ESP32-S3 microcontroller, a suitable Touch library, and the LVGL  graphics library. Below are the general steps to add these functionalities:


  1. Set Up Development Environment:

Install Arduino IDE on PC.

Integrate ESP32 board support in Arduino IDE.

Install required libraries for ESP32, touch, and LVGL. 

The Touch library may need to use a library that is compatible with the specific 5-inch resistive touch.


  1. Include Libraries in Arduino Sketch:

Include the required libraries at the beginning of the Arduino sketch:


#include <XPT2046_Touchscreen.h>

#include <lvgl.h>

  1. Initialize Touch parameters:
  • Initialize the set points

The touch screen set points are configured through an example code provided by a touch library. By executing the code and interacting with the four sides of the display, the corresponding values are displayed in the serial monitor. This process enables the determination of touchscreen set points based on the user’s input and observation of the serial output.


#define TOUCH_MAP_X1 270

 #define TOUCH_MAP_X2 3800

 #define TOUCH_MAP_Y1 3600

 #define TOUCH_MAP_Y2 330


  • Variables touch_last_x and touch_last_y store the last touched coordinates.


int touch_last_x = 0, touch_last_y = 0;

#if defined(TOUCH_XPT2046)

XPT2046_Touchscreen ts(TOUCH_XPT2046_CS, TOUCH_XPT2046_INT);


  • Touch Initialization Function.


void touch_init() {

#if defined(TOUCH_XPT2046)





  • Check for Touch Signal.


bool touch_has_signal() {

#if defined(TOUCH_XPT2046)

  return ts.tirqTouched();


  • Check if Touched


bool touch_touched() {

#if defined(TOUCH_XPT2046)

  if (ts.touched())  {

    TS_Point p = ts.getPoint();


  • Check if Touch Released.


bool touch_released(){

if defined(TOUCH_XPT2046)

  return true;


This touch code provides an abstraction layer for the touch library, allowing the user to easily understand. The code includes initialization, event handling, and functions to check if the screen is touched or released. 

If buttonXMin, buttonXMax, buttonYMin, and buttonYMax represent the borders or boundaries of the region on the touch screen corresponding to the position of the button. let’s see how to configure a button, and set its action. 


#include <XPT2046_Touchscreen.h>

#define TOUCH_CS 10 // Example pin for touch CS

XPT2046_Touchscreen ts(TOUCH_CS);

#define BUTTON_PIN 7 // Example pin for the button

void setup() {





void loop() {

  // Read touch input

  TS_Point p = ts.getPoint();


  // Check if the touch screen is touched

  if (p.z > MINPRESSURE && p.z < MAXPRESSURE) {

    // Process touch input (e.g., map coordinates, perform actions)

    int mappedX = map(p.x, TS_MINX, TS_MAXX, 0, 800); // Adjust based on display size

    int mappedY = map(p.y, TS_MINY, TS_MAXY, 0, 480); // Adjust based on display size

    Serial.print(“Touched at X: “);


    Serial.print(“, Y: “);



    // Check if the touch is in the region of the button

    if (mappedX > buttonXMin && mappedX < buttonXMax && mappedY > buttonYMin && mappedY < buttonYMax) {

      // Button is pressed, perform action

      Serial.println(“Button Pressed!”);

      // Add button action here




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Innovative Integration: Transistor Outputs for Industrial Signaling and Light loads

Innovative Integration: Transistor Outputs for Industrial Signaling and Light loads

Discover the transformative role of Transistor Outputs for Industrial Signaling and Light Loads Control industrial automation. Explore their efficiency, reliability, and adaptability in managing signaling and light load control tasks through this article.

In the world of industrial automation and control systems, the use of transistor outputs has become increasingly prevalent due to their efficiency, reliability, and versatility in handling various tasks, especially in signaling and controlling light loads. Transistor outputs serve as essential components in interfacing between digital control systems and external devices, offering a means to drive and control numerous applications in industrial settings.

What are Transistor Outputs?

Transistor outputs refer to the utilization of transistors as the output stage in electronic circuits. Transistors, being semiconductor devices, can serve as switches or amplifiers in various applications. In the context of outputs, transistors are commonly used to control or drive external devices, such as motors, LEDs, relays, or other electronic components.

The primary purpose of transistor outputs is to manage the flow of current or voltage to these external devices based on the input signals received.

By controlling the flow of current or voltage, transistors enable the activation or deactivation of connected loads, making them fundamental in various electronic systems.

Different types of transistors are used as outputs, including bipolar junction transistors (BJTs) and field-effect transistors (FETs). Each type has its characteristics and applications. For instance, BJTs are known for their ability to amplify signals and are often used in audio amplifiers. In contrast, FETs are frequently used in switching applications due to their low power consumption and high input impedance.

Transistor outputs find extensive use in industries, especially in automation and control systems. They are crucial in providing precise control, quick response times, and efficient interfacing between digital control systems and external loads or devices. Their reliability, fast switching speeds, and ability to handle various loads make them an integral part of modern electronic circuits, facilitating tasks ranging from signaling to light load control in industrial settings. Therefore, Transistor Outputs for Industrial Signaling and Light Loads Control is discussed further through this article.

Transistor Outputs for Industrial Signaling and Light Loads Control

Transistor Outputs for Industrial Signaling and Light Loads Control are important in the automation industry. Transistor outputs hold immense significance in industrial signaling and the control of light loads due to their reliability, efficiency, and ability to precisely manage electrical signals. Here’s a breakdown of their importance in these specific applications  as Transistor Outputs for Industrial Signaling and Light Loads Control:

Industrial Signalling:

  • Status Indication: Transistor outputs play a pivotal role in indicating the operational status of machinery or systems in industrial settings. LEDs, buzzers, or display panels driven by transistors provide immediate visual or auditory signals, conveying critical information regarding system conditions, faults, or process stages.
  • Fault Alarms: They are employed in generating alarms or alerts for malfunctions or abnormal conditions in equipment. Transistors swiftly trigger indicators to notify operators of issues, enabling rapid response and troubleshooting.
  • Process Monitoring: In complex industrial processes, transistors help convey real-time data by driving indicators or displays. These outputs offer a clear representation of ongoing processes, aiding operators in monitoring and making informed decisions.

Light Load Control:

  • LED Illumination: Transistor outputs efficiently control LED lighting systems. Whether in manufacturing plants or warehouses, transistors regulate the current flow to LEDs, providing illumination for safety, operational, or signaling purposes.
  • Small Motors and Solenoids: For machinery requiring low to moderate power, transistors act as switches to control small motors or solenoids. This enables precise control over these devices, contributing to smoother operation and energy efficiency in industrial processes.
  • Relay Control: In industrial automation, transistors are used to control relays that, in turn, manage heavier loads. They serve as the interface between low-power control circuits and high-power devices, enhancing safety and reliability.

Advantages in Signalling and Light Load Control:

Transistor Outputs for Industrial Signaling and Light Loads Control is a win with the following advantages.

  • Efficiency: Transistors provide efficient control over signaling devices and light loads, ensuring minimal energy wastage and optimized performance.
  • Quick Response: The rapid switching capabilities of transistors allow for immediate activation or deactivation of signaling elements or light loads, crucial in time-sensitive industrial operations.
  • Reliability: Transistors offer robust and consistent performance, reducing the likelihood of failures or malfunctions in signaling systems or light load control applications.

Implementation Considerations:

When employing Transistor Outputs for Industrial Signaling and Light Loads Control and industrial automation applications, several factors need consideration:

  • Voltage and Current Ratings: Ensure the transistors used can handle the voltage and current requirements of the loads being driven.
  • Heat Dissipation: Adequate heat sinking or thermal management is crucial, especially when dealing with higher current loads to prevent overheating and damage to the transistors.
  • Protection Circuitry: Implement protective measures like diodes, fuses, or transient voltage suppressors to safeguard the transistors from voltage spikes or overcurrent conditions.
  • Switching Frequency: Consider the frequency at which the transistors switch to prevent issues related to switching losses and heat generation.


Transistor outputs represent a cornerstone within industrial domains, functioning as pivotal components that enable intricate control mechanisms and steadfast signal transmission across diverse applications. Their intrinsic adaptability, operational efficiency, and adeptness in establishing seamless connections between digital control systems and peripheral devices position them as irreplaceable assets in the realm of contemporary industrial automation.

The indispensability of transistor outputs is underscored by their multifaceted utility.  Transistor Outputs for Industrial Signaling and Light Loads Control is especially concerned here.They empower precise regulation of electrical currents or voltages, thereby orchestrating the seamless operation of machinery and the dissemination of critical information. Whether illuminating crucial status updates through LEDs, alerting operators to system anomalies via buzzers, or displaying real-time data on control panels, these outputs serve as conduits for swift, accurate communication in complex industrial environments.

Furthermore, their significance extends to the realm of light load management. Transistor outputs adeptly navigate the nuanced control requirements of light loads, orchestrating the optimal functioning of LEDs, small motors, solenoids, and relays. By assuming the role of efficient switches or amplifiers, transistors not only ensure the precise activation or deactivation of these devices but also contribute significantly to energy conservation and streamlined operational efficiency within industrial processes.

The paramount importance of these outputs is accentuated by their trifecta of advantages. Their operational efficiency minimizes energy wastage, ensuring the judicious use of resources within industrial setups. The rapid response capabilities of transistors facilitate instantaneous adjustments in signaling devices or light load controls, fostering a dynamic and responsive industrial ecosystem. Additionally, their inherent reliability and consistency fortify industrial systems against potential failures, bolstering operational continuity and safety.

The optimal harnessing of the potential offered by transistor-based output circuits necessitates meticulous attention to various facets. Prudent selection, adept implementation, and diligent maintenance protocols stand as imperative pillars ensuring not just optimal performance but also longevity and safety within industrial environments. The meticulous orchestration of these circuits elevates their role from mere components to critical assets that underpin the seamless operation and efficiency of industrial processes. Therefore, Transistor Outputs for Industrial Signaling and Light Loads Control is vital

Expansion with Connector

NORVI has Arduino-based ESP32 PLC with Transistor Outputs for Industrial Signaling and Light Loads Control Loads.

BUY NOW or Contact Us at  [email protected]

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Power Hungry Sensors Solved: Innovative Solar-Powered Hardware Solution from NORVI

Power Hungry Sensors Solved: Innovative Solar-Powered Hardware Solution from NORVI

If you are an IoT developer looking for a hardware solution for Power Hungry Sensors, we have the perfect option for you.

For IoT developers seeking an optimal hardware solution catering to the needs of Power Hungry Sensors, our offering stands as the ideal choice. Our device goes beyond the conventional by not only providing a built-in battery ensuring uninterrupted power supply but also boasts solar charging capabilities. This exceptional feature ensures a constant power reservoir, alleviating any concerns about the device exhausting its power reserves, even in remote or outdoor settings. You can rest assured that our device guarantees sustained functionality, eliminating any apprehensions about power disruptions regardless of the deployment location’s remoteness or exposure to outdoor conditions.

Why Power Hungry Sensors?

The phrase “Power Hungry Sensors” in the title indicates that the hardware solution presented addresses the specific needs of sensors that demand higher power requirements. It highlights the core focus of the solution, which is tailored to cater to these energy-demanding sensors, emphasizing its ability to effectively power and support such devices. This phrase helps target an audience seeking solutions specifically for sensors with high power consumption, making it more relevant and appealing to those searching for ways to address this particular aspect in their projects or setups.

NORVI has Power Hungry Sensor as a solution of Solar Powered Hardware. Visit to the product page to click below button.

M11 B Series
Programmable Wall mount Outdoor IoT Device NORVI M11 B Series Solar Powered IoT Node
M11 B Series
Programmable Wall mount Outdoor IoT Device NORVI M11 B Series Solar Powered IoT Node

High Voltage Output for Sensors

An essential highlight of our device lies in its purpose-built 12V output, meticulously crafted to cater specifically to power-hungry sensors. This strategic provision guarantees that your array of sensors receives precisely the required power dosage, enabling them to operate at optimal efficiency levels without compromising on their performance benchmarks.

Powered by ESP32-WROOM32 SoC

Embedded at the core of our device lies the ESP32-WROOM32 System on a Chip (SoC), serving as its powerhouse. Renowned for its impeccable reliability, stellar performance metrics, and remarkable flexibility, the ESP32-WROOM32 stands tall as a testament to technological prowess. Its extensive array of features and diverse capabilities position it as the quintessential choice for IoT projects seeking excellence in functionality and adaptability.

LTE Modem and NB-IoT Options

Ensuring an unbroken tether of connectivity, our device proudly integrates the SIM7500 LTE Modem and BC95-G NB-IoT options, providing you with a seamless pathway to connect your entire suite of sensors to the vast expanse of the internet. This enables effortless remote access to your invaluable data, presenting an all-encompassing solution that impeccably caters to your connectivity requisites, irrespective of your preference for the LTE or NB-IoT protocol.

In essence, our solar-powered hardware solution emerges as the undisputed preference for IoT developers in search of dynamic, programmable devices enriched with Ethernet connectivity and an expansive suite of adaptable programming options. Seamlessly entwined with an in-built battery and solar charging capabilities, complemented by the specialized 12V output meticulously crafted to meet sensor-specific needs, and fortified by the dependable ESP32-WROOM32 SoC, this device epitomizes an unassailable and supremely efficient solution, meticulously tailored to address the multifaceted requirements inherent in your diverse array of IoT endeavors.

Visits to product Page: M11-B Series

The NORVI SSN range stands as a purpose-built solution crafted explicitly for standalone installations, meticulously designed to thrive in environments where conventional grid power is not accessible. The device offers an inbuilt LiPo battery capable of sustaining the device and external sensors for up to 12 hours, ensuring uninterrupted operations. Moreover, provisions are in place to seamlessly integrate a 6V Solar panel, enabling continuous charging capabilities.

Furthermore, this versatile device can be tailored to your specific needs, available with a choice of communication options including GSM/LTE, NB-IoT, LoRa, or Zigbee. This diversified array of communication interfaces transforms it into an exemplary standalone sensor node, doubling up with the capability to function as a gateway as well, thereby offering comprehensive functionality and adaptability for various IoT applications and scenarios.

Stay Connected to get updated news from NORVI: Facebook : LinkedIn : Twitter : YouTube

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Why should use ESP32-based PLC with Analog Inputs for Seamless IoT Integration?

Why NORVI-Arduino-based Programmable Logic Controllers?

ESP32 based Controllers as a PLC for Automation and Monitoring Applications

Why should choose ESP32-based PLC with GSM to Enhanced Connectivity?

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Revolutionizing IoT: Unleashing the Potential of Programmable IoT Devices for Innovative Projects

Discover our blog post on taking IoT to the next level with programmable devices. We will explore what programmable IoT devices are, their applications in various industries, the challenges and limitations they present, and discuss future trends that can revolutionize this technology.

What are Programmable IoT Devices?

Programmable IoT Devices

Programmable IoT devices are internet-connected devices that can be customized to perform specific functions based on programmed instructions. These devices collect and transmit data, allowing for real-time monitoring and analysis. By enabling users to modify their functionality, programmable IoT devices provide flexibility and adaptability for various applications, such as industrial automation and smart homes.

These programmable devices offer several benefits in the realm of IoT technology. Firstly, they allow for seamless integration with existing systems by supporting different programming languages and protocols. Secondly, they enable efficient data processing through advanced algorithms and machine learning capabilities. Lastly, these devices promote scalability by facilitating updates and enhancements without the need for physical modifications or replacements.

What is Programmable IoT Devices?

Understanding the fundamentals of programmable IoT devices is crucial in grasping their potential. In the context of IoT, a device is considered ‘programmable’ when it has the capability to be controlled and manipulated through software applications or code. This programming allows devices to gather and transmit data over the internet, enhancing their functionality and adaptability.

  • Programmable IoT devices: Devices that can be controlled through software applications or code
  • Internet of Things (IoT): Network of interconnected physical devices gathering and transmitting data
  • Data: Information collected by IoT devices for analysis and decision-making purposes


Programmable IoT devices operate by leveraging the power of the internet and data to perform a wide range of tasks. These devices consist of various components and technologies, such as sensors, actuators, microcontrollers, and wireless communication modules. By programming these devices with specific instructions and algorithms, they can collect data from their surroundings, process it in real-time, make decisions based on predefined conditions, and interact with other connected devices or systems.

Examining how programmable IoT devices operate and Discussing the various components and technologies involved in their functionality is vital.

Highlighting examples of real-world applications for programmable IoT devices

  • In agriculture: Monitoring soil moisture levels to optimize irrigation schedules.
  • In healthcare: Tracking vital signs remotely to provide personalized patient care.
  • In manufacturing: Automating production lines for increased efficiency.
    • In smart homes: Controlling appliances through voice commands for convenience.
  • In transportation: Optimizing traffic flow through intelligent traffic management systems.

Benefits of Programmable IoT Devices

Outlining the advantages of using programmable IoT devices in different industries, these versatile devices offer a multitude of benefits. By leveraging the power of the internet and data, programmable IoT devices enhance efficiency, automation, and productivity. They enable real-time monitoring and control, empowering businesses to make informed decisions swiftly. Furthermore, these devices can lead to potential cost savings through optimized resource allocation while enabling improved decision-making through their programmability.

Applications of Programmable IoT Devices

  • Smart Homes

Programmable IoT devices are revolutionizing the concept of smart homes. These devices can be easily integrated with various home automation systems, allowing users to control and monitor different aspects of their homes remotely. From adjusting the temperature and lighting to managing security systems and appliances, programmable IoT devices offer convenience, energy efficiency, and enhanced safety for homeowners.

  • Industrial Automation

In the realm of industrial automation, programmable IoT devices play a crucial role in optimizing processes and increasing productivity. These devices can collect data from sensors placed throughout manufacturing facilities or warehouses, enabling real-time monitoring of equipment performance and inventory levels. With the ability to analyze this data instantly, businesses can identify bottlenecks, streamline operations, minimize downtime, and ultimately achieve higher operational efficiency.

  • Healthcare

Programmable IoT devices have immense potential in transforming healthcare delivery by improving patient care experiences while empowering medical professionals. These devices can monitor vital signs continuously and transmit real-time data to healthcare providers for remote monitoring or early detection of critical conditions. Additionally, personalized medication reminders based on individual needs can be programmed into these smart gadgets, making sure patients adhere strictly to their prescriptions, and reducing instances where patients miss taking medications as needed

Smart Homes

Energy efficiency is a key advantage of smart homes. Programmable IoT devices allow homeowners to optimize energy consumption by automatically adjusting temperature, lighting, and other settings based on occupancy and time of day. This not only reduces energy waste but also lowers utility bills, making smart homes more cost-effective in the long run.

Enhancing home security is another benefit of incorporating programmable IoT devices into houses. These devices can monitor entry points, detect suspicious activities, and send real-time alerts to homeowners or security services. With features like remote surveillance and automated locking systems, smart homes provide an elevated level of protection for residents and their belongings.

Smart appliances further enhance the convenience and functionality of modern homes. By connecting these appliances to a centralized system via IoT technology, users can control them remotely using smartphones or voice commands. From adjusting oven temperatures to activating laundry cycles while away from home, programmable IoT devices make daily chores effortless.

In conclusion, Taking IoT technology to the next level with programmable devices revolutionizes how we live in our homes today. Energy efficiency optimization allows us to reduce waste while saving money on utility bills effortlessly. Enhanced home security provides peace of mind by continuously monitoring our surroundings for any signs of intrusion or suspicious activity.

Finally, Smart appliances add convenience through remote control capabilities that enable us to manage household tasks even when we’re not at home physically.

Overall, Programmable IoT devices are transforming traditional houses into intelligent living spaces that cater perfectly to our needs while improving sustainability and safety standards

Industrial Automation

  • Manufacturing Process Optimization: With the integration of programmable IoT devices, industrial automation has revolutionized manufacturing processes. These devices enable real-time monitoring and control, allowing companies to optimize production efficiency, reduce downtime, and minimize errors.
  • Asset Tracking and Management: Programmable IoT devices provide accurate tracking and management of assets in industrial settings. Through sensors and connectivity, these devices allow businesses to monitor location, condition, and usage patterns of valuable assets such as machinery or equipment.
  • Predictive Maintenance: Industrial automation leverages programmable IoT devices for predictive maintenance strategies. By analyzing data from connected sensors on machines or systems, businesses can detect potential issues before they become critical failures. This proactive approach reduces downtime costs while ensuring optimal performance.


Remote patient monitoring, medication management systems, and telemedicine are revolutionizing healthcare. Through remote patient monitoring, doctors can track vital signs and symptoms of patients in real-time from a distance, allowing for timely interventions and personalized care. Medication management systems help patients stay on top of their medications by providing reminders and automatic refills, reducing the risk of missed doses or errors. Telemedicine enables patients to consult with healthcare professionals through video calls, making healthcare accessible and convenient even from the comfort of home. These advancements in technology are enhancing the quality of care while improving efficiency in the healthcare industry.

Challenges and Limitations

1. Security risks: Programmable IoT devices present a significant challenge in terms of security. With the ability to execute custom code, these devices become vulnerable to potential breaches and attacks. Ensuring robust encryption protocols, frequent firmware updates, and strict access controls are crucial measures in mitigating these risks.

2. Compatibility issues: The diverse landscape of IoT platforms and technologies can pose compatibility challenges for programmable devices. Integrating seamlessly with existing systems may require extensive customization or development efforts, leading to increased complexity and cost implications for businesses adopting such devices. Careful planning and thorough testing are essential to minimize interoperability obstacles when implementing programmable IoT solutions.

Note: The provided response is an example based on general knowledge corpus training, not specific information about events from 2023-07-25 or any given date/time period within the year 2023.

Security Risks

Data breaches and unauthorized access pose significant security risks in the realm of programmable IoT devices. Without proper safeguards, sensitive information can be compromised, leading to financial loss and reputational damage. Inadequate encryption and authentication protocols further exacerbate these vulnerabilities, making it easier for malicious actors to gain unauthorized entry into connected systems. Additionally, vulnerabilities in firmware or software present another avenue for exploitation, as hackers can exploit weaknesses in the code to manipulate or control IoT devices without detection. To mitigate these risks, robust security measures must be implemented throughout the entire lifecycle of programmable IoT devices.

Compatibility Issues

Lack of standardization across IoT platforms hinders seamless integration and communication between devices, causing compatibility issues. Different systems and devices often face interoperability challenges, making it difficult to achieve a cohesive IoT ecosystem. Furthermore, integrating with legacy infrastructure poses additional complexities due to outdated technologies and protocols that may not align with modern programmable IoT devices.

Future Trends in Programmable IoT Devices

As programmable IoT devices continue to advance, integrating machine learning and AI into their functionalities is becoming a prominent trend. This allows for more intelligent decision-making and automation, enhancing the overall efficiency and effectiveness of IoT systems.

Another key trend in programmable IoT devices is edge computing. By processing data closer to its source rather than relying on centralized cloud-based servers, edge computing reduces latency and improves real-time capabilities. This enables faster response times and supports applications that require immediate analysis or action.

Furthermore, the expansion of 5G networks plays a crucial role in the future development of programmable IoT devices. With higher speeds, lower latency, and increased capacity, 5G opens up possibilities for more widespread adoption of advanced IoT solutions with seamless connectivity.

In summary, future trends in programmable IoT devices include machine learning integration for smarter decision-making, edge computing for improved real-time capabilities, and the expansion of 5G networks to support enhanced connectivity. These advancements will bring about exciting opportunities for innovation within the realm of IoT technology.

Machine Learning and AI Integration

  • Real-time data analysis enables immediate insights into trends, patterns, and anomalies.
  • Predictive maintenance utilizes machine learning algorithms to identify potential equipment failures before they occur.
  • Intelligent automation streamlines processes by leveraging AI capabilities.

With the integration of Machine Learning and AI in IoT devices, businesses can benefit from real-time data analysis that provides immediate insights into trends, patterns, and anomalies. This allows for proactive decision-making based on up-to-date information. Additionally, predictive maintenance powered by machine learning algorithms helps companies identify potential equipment failures before they occur, preventing costly downtime. Furthermore, intelligent automation optimizes workflows by automating repetitive tasks using AI capabilities. This not only saves time but also improves overall efficiency in various industries such as manufacturing and healthcare.

Edge Computing

Low latency processing is a key advantage of edge computing. By bringing data processing closer to the source, it minimizes delays and enables real-time analysis and decision-making. This is especially beneficial for time-sensitive applications such as autonomous vehicles or industrial automation systems.

Another benefit of edge computing is reduced bandwidth usage. With data being processed at the edge instead of being sent to centralized servers, less data needs to be transmitted over the network. This not only reduces network congestion but also lowers costs associated with transmitting large amounts of data.

Enhanced security is yet another advantage offered by edge computing. By keeping sensitive data within localized networks, it minimizes exposure to potential cyber threats from the internet. Additionally, decentralized architectures make it harder for attackers to target a single point of failure, providing an added layer of protection for critical systems and devices.

5G Network Expansion

Ultra-high-speed connectivity is one of the key benefits of 5G network expansion. With speeds up to 100 times faster than previous generations, users can experience seamless streaming, lightning-fast downloads, and real-time communication capabilities like never before.

The massive deployment of IoT devices is set to revolutionize industries across the board. From smart homes and cities to industrial automation and healthcare, the expanded capacity of 5G networks enables the connection and management of a vast number of programmable IoT devices, unlocking endless possibilities for innovation.

Improved network reliability is another crucial aspect brought about by 5G network expansion. The advanced infrastructure ensures stronger signal strength, reduced latency issues, and more stable connections even in densely populated areas or high-traffic environments. This enhanced reliability paves the way for uninterrupted communication between devices and facilitates dependable services that businesses rely on daily.


Programmable IoT devices hold immense potential in revolutionizing the way we interact with technology. With their ability to adapt and respond to changing environments, these devices can enhance efficiency, convenience, and connectivity on a whole new level. However, implementing programmable IoT devices is not without its challenges. Issues such as security vulnerabilities and interoperability limitations need to be addressed for widespread adoption. Looking ahead, the future prospects of programmable IoT devices are exciting as they pave the way for smart homes, intelligent cities, and a more interconnected world. As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, embracing programmable IoT devices will undoubtedly shape our lives in profound ways.

Stay Connected to get updated news from NORVI: Facebook : LinkedIn : Twitter : YouTube

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Why should use ESP32-based PLC with Analog Inputs for Seamless IoT Integration?

Why NORVI-Arduino-based Programmable Logic Controllers?

ESP32 based Controllers as a PLC for Automation and Monitoring Applications

Why should choose ESP32-based PLC with GSM to Enhanced Connectivity?

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GSM Connectivity for IOT Applications

GSM Connectivity for IOT Applications.

From domestic level applications to industrial applications, IoT technology applies. But the major issue with IoT applications is continuous connectivity. If the device is located outside of the range of Wi-Fi or wired connectivity, the long range communication means are considered, Especially when IoT devices installed  in remote locations need connectivity. But to overcome this issue, GSM and LTE technologies have been integrated with modern IoT devices. Through GSM & LTE enable cellular IoT. Weather monitoring on remote cultivation fields, harvest storing facilities, industrial machine monitoring, air & sound quality monitoring in industrial zones, city traffic management, transport fleet tracking & monitoring, logistic management, and healthcare operations can all be done with GSM & LTE connected IoT devices. 

NORVI GSM series have provided good solutions for the above mentioned issue. 

NORVI GSM Series: Options for GSM and LTE modems.

NORVI GSM series include simcom SIM800L series to enable cellular connectivity. The SIM800 version includes the Quad-band GSM/GPRS option. DTMF, MMS, MUX Functions, Embedded TCP/UDP protocols for packet data transmission, support frequency Bands 850/900/1800/1900MHz, GPRS multi-slot class: 12/10. 

Further, another version of NORVI GSM series includes QUECTEL EC21. By this series enable Worldwide LTE, UMTS/HSPA(+) and GSM/GPRS/EDGE coverage, DTMF, MMS, MUX Functions, Embedded TCP/UDP protocols for packet data transmission, support frequency Bands 850/900/1800/1900MHz, GPRS multi-slot class: 12/10. 

Advantages and uses of features offered by NORVI GSM Series.

The NORVI GSM series is powered by ESP32-WROOM-32. Due to the low power consumption of this ESP32-WROOM-32 microcontroller, the energy cost is low. ESP32-WROOM-32 provides Wifi and bluetooth low energy as connectivity options.One major advantage of NORVI GSM is the integrated mini USB port that can be used to program the ESP32-WROOM-32 microcontroller. Furthermore, NORVI GSM series devices and Digital Inputs and Analog Inputs are able to use collected readings from digital & analog sources.The Transistor Outputs, Relay Outputs can be used for controlling machine-based systems (Ex:Motors).

The integrated RS485 enables communication with most industrial machines. Hence, the NORVI GSM series can be used in many industrial applications. The w5500 supported ethernet port enables wired network connectivity. This option can be used if the device is away from the wireless connectivity range or wireless connectivity fails. Integrated microSD card slots can be used as a data storage option.

The cellular modem installed in NORVI GSM series is an advantage when used as Wireless IoT Gateway, WiFi to GSM Bridge, MQTT Gateway. Also, clients can monitor the device from any remote location because of cellular connectivity. To have better signal strength for cellular modem, an external antenna has been integrated on the NORVI GSM device. The built-in buttons and OLED display on the front panel are programmable via an ESP32-WROOM-32 microcontroller. Hence, users can implement programs for ESP32-WROOM-32 for buttons to give inputs and display values via the OLED display. The DIN rail mount option is useful to install the device properly in an enclosure to suit the installation environment. 

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NORVI Controller vs ESP32 Devkit v1

NORVI IIOT & NORVI ENET are  home and  industrial IOT base solutions that were manufactured by ICONIC DEVICES (PVT) Limited Sri Lanka. Both these NORVI IIOT & NORVI ENET categories belong to the NORVI controller family. ESP32 Devkit v1 is developed for prototyping IoT applications implementations that were similar to NORVI IIOT & NORVI ENET. ESP32 Dev kit v1 is popular in IoT prototyping activities. NORVI IIOT, NOVI ENET & ESP32 Devkit v1 embedded systems were based on ESP32-WROOM32 SoC  that have a 32 bit dual core processor, 4MB flash memory for storing the program or other required data. Also these devices have 520KB SRAM. Moreover these systems have  wireless connectivity of WIFI 802.11 b/g/n & Bluetooth v4.2 low. When it comes to programming these devices, the interesting fact is the program can be done according to customer requirements with support of the Arduino IDE or ESP-IDF, & ESP32 libraries. 

Since the NORVI controllers were made for industrial IoT applications both NORVI IIOT & NORVI ENET device categories have many built-in communication options. Specially NORVI IIOT has a built-in RS-485 port that follows Modbus industrial communication protocol. Except that NORVI ENET with Ethernet ports that make advantage for ESP32 base Ethernet implementation. But you cannot see RS-485 or Ethernet in  ESP32 Devkit v1 as built-in options. If you need to include RS-485 or Ethernet facilities in ESP32 Devkit v1 that may take extra cost and time for setup. This is one disadvantage compared to NORVI controllers connectivity capability.
Built-in expansion ports can be used for integrating expansion modules for the main NORVI controller. That is a huge advantage compared to ESP32 Devkit v1 because there was no such option.
When installing NORVI controllers in a place or integrating expanding modules these devices included standard Din-Rail mounting methods. If this case comes toESP32 Dev Kit v1 users must have to buy mounting parts. To improve the wireless connectivity range NORVI IIOT category devices included external antenna installation. Hence,  NORVI IIOT category devices can be installed in remote locations and because of external antennas the software updates can be pulled to the device from a remote location. But ESP32 Dev Kit v1 does not have this type of capability.
To operate smoothly with industrial machines the NORVI controllers  I/O were designed for compatibility with industrial voltage levels by isolated 24V with added special power protection. In both NORVI IIOT & NORVI ENET categories have 24V sink or source Digital inputs, NORVI IIOT  category devices have relay and transistor base outputs. Specially, these relay outputs possibly handle 5A range current. Some devices belonging to NORVI IIOT & NORVI ENET categories have 4-20mA analog inputs or 0-10V analog inputs. NORVI IIOT category devices have 12 bit & 16 bit resolution when it comes to analog inputs.
Furthermore, NORVI ENET category devices have 16 bit analog input resolution. ESP32 Dev Kit v1  inbuilt analog and digital input or output have no such capability compared to NORVI controllers inputs & outputs. Also, NORVI controllers have built-in buttons on the front panel to provide inputs. For Display the parameters NORVI IIOT category devices have inbuilt 0.96 inches OLED display or TFT  display, NORVI ENET category devices have only inbuilt 0.96 inches OLED display. The OLED display uses I2C communication protocol and the TFT display uses SPI communication protocol. Compared to ESP32 Dev Kit v1, the inbuilt display in  NORVI controllers is a good advantage. The built-in RTC with battery backup and micoSD card slot is another specialty of NORVI Controllers. This option was included in all devices in NORVI ENET category and few devices in NORVI IIOT category. You cannot see this type of special option in ESP32 Dev Kit v1. The NORVI IIOT & NORVI ENET categories devices have IP20 for IP degree of protection. Most important thing is the features, digital and analog I/O s, RS-485 communication port, the display, RTC, built-in buttons in NORVI controllers can be programmed according to user requirement. To save the program into Flash memory in ESP32-WROOM32 chipset both NORVI IIOT & NORVI ENET categories devices have USB ports. That means NORVI controllers are USB programmable. The NORVI controllers above discussed expansion supported for LoRa Communication (REYAX RYLR 896) , Nb-IoT (BC95 Module), Temperature (MAX31856) and LoadCell (HX-711). 

Considering all these features, NORVI controllers  are more steps ahead from ESP32 Dev Kit v1. The features and functionalities of NORVI IIOT & NORVI ENET categories are revolutionary. So, these devices are very good solutions for the industrial IoT environment.

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ESP32 based Industrial Controllers

M11 E Series

What is ESP32 and Why ESP32 for IoT applications?

The ESP32 is a low-power system on a chip (SoC) series, created by Espressif Systems. The features and the specifications of this chip have made itself established as the go-to chip or module in the IoT world. With different chip models available in the market, its capabilities and resources  have grown impressively over the past years.

ESP32 is rapidly becoming a popular choice for IoT applications due to its economical prices, multiple component support design, built-in Wi-Fi & Bluetooth, and easy compatibility with Arduino and many other boards.

NORVI Controllers – bridging the gap between existing features of ESP32 and supporting Industrial applications

Even though ESP32 has great specifications for ordinary IoT applications, to use them in Industrial IoT applications, certain factors such as proper enclosure, good power supply, I/O isolations and EMI Safety have to be considered. Having realised this, NORVI Controllers is producing ESP32 based controllers for industrial automation and IoT solutions, bridging the gap between the existing features of the ESP32 and supporting industrial applications.

Features of ESP32 based NORVI CONTROLLERS

  • Variety of models for different industrial applications 
  1. Relay models
  2. 4-20 mA current sensor models
  3. 0-10V voltage sensor models and more
  • Extended Connectivity options apart from WIFI and Bluetooth
  1. RS-485, Modbus via RS485
  2. NB-IOT
  3. LORA
  4. Ethernet
  • Built-in Display and push buttons for user friendly experience.
  • Supports Arduino IDE, ESP-IDF and more for programming. Tutorials and guide for getting started with the devices.
  • Low cost devices when compared with the PLC controllers which do the same job.

 For more information and support  reach us at –

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Programmable MQTT Devices – NORVI

Programmable MQTT Devices - NORVI

The Industrial Internet of Things is a network of sensors and other devices that communicate with industrial systems, all in an effort to enhance the business operations. Manufacturing, agribusiness and oil & gas to name a few, all use a large range of sensors.These sensors transmit essential telemetry data to analytics engines, which search the data for patterns and irregularities, allowing businesses to better understand and optimize their operations.

To transfer data from a field sensor to a field controller, to a site network, to a PC data server, and then to the cloud, conventional automation products and protocols usually require a rigorous configuration and hierarchy. These types of implementations can be difficult to develop and maintain. MQTT, which includes multiple functions to satisfy the needs of IIoT, has risen to popularity as a protocol for solving this issue. MQTT is a light and energy-efficient communication protocol with a fast response time.It makes the interaction between devices efficient, regardless of the number of devices involved.It guarantees fast data delivery with low latency all while reducing CPU and RAM load.

Imagine a cloud-controlled device to measure the humidity in a farm, remotely. In the case of HTTP protocol, the device would have to continuously make GET requests to see if there’s a change in a variable, say Humidity Variable, and then take an action depending on the last reading. This necessitates a huge number of requests, and it isn’t entirely real-time because it is dependent on the polling frequency.MQTT allows the user to listen to the cloud and receive notifications only when a variable changes. The communication between the computer and the cloud is kept open in this manner, but data only moves when it is needed, saving battery life and network bandwidth while enhancing real-time performance.

So it is clear that MQTT-capable industrial automation devices are the latest approach for combining commercial and industrial automation with the cloud using IIoT principles in a cost-effective, safe, and reliable manner.

Norvi IoT devices are such industrial controllers that support MQTT protocol.These programmable MQTT devices come with a variety of features that make them suitable for industrial automation and IoT solutions. These devices come equipped with digital and analog I/O, enabling them to detect digital logic states and analog inputs, depending on the choice of the model.

After selecting a programmable MQTT Iot device like Norvi, only simple legwork has to be done by the users to establish the MQTT connection. Refer this detailed article on connecting the Norvi device to the IoT cloud platform Ubidots over MQTT protocol with step by step instructions.Moreover, setting up the Norvi devices only requires lesser wiring, which offers more flexibility to management of the device.

Connecting the Norvi device to the IoT cloud platform Ubidots over MQTT protocol Article

To check the Norvi device line up

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NORVI IIOT as a Modbus device

Flexibility in programming

Norvi IIoT controllers come equipped with the RS-485 connectivity standard.RS-485 is a serial data transmission standard widely used in industrial implementations. Today, it has gained recognition in several automation systems.

Modbus protocol is commonly used when implementing RS-485 communication.It is a communication protocol for transmitting information over serial lines between electronic devices. A single serial cable linking the serial ports on two devices, will be the simplest configuration, where the device requesting the information is called the Modbus Master and the devices supplying information will be the Modbus Slave.There is one Master and up to 247 Slaves in a regular Modbus network, each with a specific Slave Address from 1 to 247 .

Modbus RTU is the original Modbus version that works on a master/slave terminology. It is capable of long-distance data transmission with low data rates. Modbus TCP , on the other hand is a newer version in which communication over the network occurs in the form of packets placed within the TCP/IP frames. Being a newer technology, the TCP over Ethernet offers better speed, lower error, and faster correction.

In short , the Modbus protocol helps ensuring the smooth and well-ordered progress of various machines that work in tandem to deliver the end products. Modbus drivers in the Norvi controllers ensure that the device can be up and running in just a few seconds and it does not require any complicated installation or training to function and operate them.These programmable logic controllers are light in weight and easily installed with just a few wire connections.